This cowl is knitted with the same turns of the hat, half circles, but the result effect is quite different. Usually, cowls are knitted as a big rectangle, joining extremities afterwards, or as a circle that goes down or up. Here the cowl is knitted as a strip that goes up and down, and up, and down… repeatedly until desired size.
Design Juliana Gaiolli Serrano

Yarn: 1 skein of Merino Sock Da Fazenda (100% merino wool) Needle: 2,00 mm circular (30 inches long). Notions: 2 stitch markers, 2 auxiliary needles, 1 button, tapestry needle, needle and thread for the button.
Gauge Knitted in back and forth rows, blocked. 2×2 ribbon: 20 stitches x 35 rows = 4 inches. One strip with the 4×4 cable pattern (explained below): 1,4″ width

Think of a wire and how it is usually folded to be stored – up, turn, down, turn, up, turn. If you did not get it entirely, do not worry at all, this is one of those things that seem a lot harder when explained then when you are actually doing it.
Size The cowl has 11.4 inches height and 27.5 inches wide. To adjust wide wise, knit fewer rows until the half circle. To adjust height wise, knit less stripes or less stitches on the stripes.
Abbreviations m – make one – increase through the backloop c – Cable
This cable is knitted with 3×3 stitches. It is turns 4 times. Just like the hat, it is made of two tubes that cross each other. These “tubes” are the stockinette pattern and they are separated by a reverse stockinette stitch (such as the border ones) that is never part of the cable. That is why it is asked of you two auxiliary needles. To the first one, you’ll slip the stitches that will be cabled. To the second one, you will slip the separation stitch. Knit the stitches from the regular needle first, purl the stitch from the second auxiliary needle and knit the stitches from the first auxiliary needle. This way you will cable the “tube” stitches, but the separation stitch remains in place.
Just like the hat, you are gonna “glue” one stripe to the other by picking up stitches from the last stripe and knitting them along with the row’s last/ first one. Please notice that when you do that for the first time, you knit the stiches as you regularly do. But, for the second time, the “glued together” ones are twisted. And so it should be until the end, alternating a stripe with regular ones and a stripe with twisted last/ first ones.
Directions Cast on 2 stitches. In back and forth rows, knit: RS: p2. Turn. WS: k1, m1, k1. Turn. row 3: p2, m1, p1. Turn. row 4: k2, m1, p2. Turn. row 5: k2, m1, p3. Turn. row 6: k3, m1, p2, k1. Turn. row 7: p1, m1, k3, p3. Turn. row 8: k3, p3, k1, m1, p1. Turn. row 9: k2, m1, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 10: k3, p3, k1, m1, p2, k1. Turn. row 11: p1, m1, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 12: k3, p3, k1, p3, m1, k2. Turn. Here the increases are over. row 13: p3, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 14.: k3, p3, k1, p3, k3. Turn. row 15: p3, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn.
FIRST SHORT ROW SESSION – first half circle. WS: k3, p3, k1, p3, k2. Turn (keep 1 stitch on wait). RS: YO, p2, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 3: k3, p3, k1, p3, k1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 4: YO, t, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 5: k3, p3, k1, p3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 6: YO, k3, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 7: k3, p3, k1, p2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 8: YO, k2, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 9: k3, p3, k1, p1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 10: YO, k1, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 11: k3, p3, k1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 12: YO, p1, k3, p3. Turn. row 13: k3, p3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 14: YO, k3, p3. Turn. row 15: k3, p2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 16: YO, k2, p3. Turn. row 17: k3, p1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 18: YO, k1, p3. Turn. row 19: k3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 20: YO, p3. Turn. row 21: k2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 22: YO, p2. Turn. row 23: k1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 24: YO, p1. Turn. row 25: k1. Turn. Joint row– p3tog (YO + st + first picked up stitch from the lateral of the piece you just knitted), 2x (p2tog), 2x (k2tog), 3x (p2tog), 3x (k2tog ), 3x (k2tog).
First stitch of the right side and last stitch from the wrong side will be knitted togheter with two picked up stitches from the cowl, as shown on the schematics, on the next 14 rows. After that, knit the rest of this stripe without this concern.
Knit the cable stitch, that should be repeated all trhought the cowl: RS: c. Turn. WS: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 3: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 4: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 5: c. Turn. row 6: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 7: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 8: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 9: c. Turn row 10: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 11: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 12: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 13: c. Turn. row 14: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 15: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 16: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 17: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 18: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 19: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 20: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 21: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 22: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn.
Repeat the sequence above 3 times. Repeat from row 1 until row 16 one more time. Here the cowl’s height was reached.
SECOND SHORT ROW SESSION – second half circle. RS: p3, k3, p1, k3, p2. Turn (keep 1 stitch on wait). WS: YO, k2, p3, k1, p3, k3. Turn. row 3: p3, k3, p1, k3, p1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 4: YO, k1, p3, k1 p3, k3. Turn. row 5: p3, k3, p1, k3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 6: YO, p3, k1, p3, k3. Turn. row 7: p3, k3, p1, k2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 8: YO, p2, k1, p3, k3 Turn. row 9: p3, k3, p1, k1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 10: YO, p1, k1, p3, k3. Turn. row 11: p3, k3, p1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 12: YO, k1, p3, k3. Turn. row 13: p3, k3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 14: YO, p3, k3. Turn. row 15: p3, k2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 16: YO, p2, k3. Turn. row 17: p3, k1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 18: YO, p1, k3. Turn. row 19: p3. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 20: YO, k3. Turn. row 21: p2. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 22: YO, k2. Turn. row 23: p1. Turn (keep another stitch on wait). row 24: YO, k1. Turn. row 25: p1. Turn. Joint row– p1, 2x (p2tog) , 3x (k2tog), p2tog, 3x (k2tog), 2x (p2tog ), p3tog (YO +st + st picked up from the stripe you just knitted).
Let’s begin the second stripe. It will be knitted all the way picking up stitches from the last stripe and knitting them together with the last stitch from the right side and with the first stitch from the wrong side. Always pick up the stitch strap and the stitch knot.
RS: p3, k3, p1, k3, p2, p2tog (regular stitch plus picked up stitch). Turn.
WS: k2tog (picked up stitch plus regular stitch), k2, p3, k1, p3, k3. Turn.
Repeat the sequence above 8 times. Knit the cable pattern 3 times. Repeat the sequence above 8 times.
Here you should reach the first half circle extremity. Stop picking up stitches and knit third short row session, just like the first one.
Joint row– k1, 2x(k2tog), 3x(p2tog), k2tog, 3x(p2tog), 2x (k2tog), 3pjmt (YO + st + first picked up stitch from the stripe you just knitted).
OBS: on this stripe you are about to begin, the stitches knitted along with picked up ones from the stripe before (first from right side and last from wrong side) have to be twisted (twisted knit or twisted purl). Alternate a strip with regular stitches and a strip with these twisted stitches for all this work.
Keep the pattern until you reach another half circle extremity. When this happens, it’s time for another half circle.
Repeat these two stripes until the cowl has the desired length. The last one you knit should be just as the first, so you can end it with the little curl, like the one that started it all, is on the bottom part, contrasting with the upper one. On this last stripe, do not forget the buttonholes. Here there are 5 – upper extremity, 3 on between cables, downer extremity).
After a last turn row from the cable: WS: k3, p3, k1, p3, k3. Turn. RS: knitting stitches as they appear.(or joint row on the extremity buttonholes). Turn. row 3: knitting stitches as they appear. Turn. row 4: p3, k3, p1, k1, drop next stitch over the one you just knitted, k1, drop the previous stitch over the last one, k1, p3 (you just binded off two stitches in the middle). Turn. row 5: k3, p2, m2, p3, k3. Turn.
At the end of the stripe, knit the last half circle. After the joint row, end the cowl: RS: knitting stitches as they appear, but on the last two knit them both along with the picked up one (k ou p 3tog). Turn. WS: start row with k or p 3tog – picked up stitch along with the first two on needle, knit stitches as they appear. Turn. Repeat this sequence until there is only one stitch on the needle.
Sew the buttons and weave in all ends. Block the cowl.

This post was originally published on Blog da Fazenda Caixa Dagua, in May 20, 2013.